Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm trying to catch up my blogs but am working on minimal sleep so this is a post in progress.

In general, my life runs a smooth path - comfortable, routine and pleasant. Lucky and happy are words I use about myself most days. I have everything I could want. Every couple of decades my life will take a major detour, usually self-induced (pregnancy, divorce), that takes me in an unexpected direction. And, as is the nature of detours, the new road may not always be comfortable or scenic or have the familiar reference points and rest stops. Growth is what some people call it and when you come out the other side you have gained some things, lost others and left behind items no longer needed on the journey. Blech. Okay, I think I've killed the roadtrip analogy.
The changes for this decade are of a slightly different nature. Not exactly initiated by me. Suddenly, things in my life are breaking. Not in devastating, emotional, life-changing ways. I mean literally breaking. My house, my car, my old slr camera.
The water purifier stopped working and flooded the laundry room, my clothes dryer makes a loud rattling noise and I'm afraid to run it unless I'm home.
The dishwasher. Oh boy. It has become the equivalent of a lazy husband. You know, when you first get one there's an understanding that it'll perform certain functions and it has all the working parts to perform these functions. It's all shiny and new and jumps to attention when you turn the dials and touch the knobs. But after awhile it doesn't always perform on it's own; it wheezes and rattles and flops around when you try to get it started. You realize you'll have to do some prep each time, fiddle with some moving parts, prop up others and ultimately force it to do it's job. Even then it's only going through the motions and you end up having to REDO THE WHOLE THING YOURSELF afterwards... haha, and now I've killed the husband as appliance analogy. Moving on.
My car, which has run pretty efficiently since 2002 has basically been rebuilt in the last 2 months: new windshield, new brakes and resonators and, this week, a complete transmission with torque converter.
And, on top of all the breaking stuff, wasps have settled in the walls of my house and are coming in through the basement. Perfect. This isn't a problem so much as it's made me a party to genocide. Seriously. The first few days I just moved them outside. Then there were too many for that so I just sat very still whenever I went down to the basement. However, within a few days, there were a hundred wasps cling to the walls just metres from me. I had to call an exterminator. I felt really bad until a friend pointed out that, if I could negotiate with the wasps and they refused to move and then I brought in the weapons of mass destruction, I would be a bad person. Whatever. I still feel bad about killing something.

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