Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've been running on a treadmill all winter and don't ever let anyone tell you it's the same as running outside.
The past couple of days were pretty nice so I ran outside. Yesterday was a longer run but felt pretty good - mostly, I suspect, because I was just so darned happy to be doing something in fresh air and light.
Today, I ran during my lunch hour and
The whole time I kept thinking, "Why is the wind so strong and blowing from every direction?" "Why is the road on such an extreme angle?" "Why can I feel the pebbles right through my shoes?" "Is this what a heart attack feels like?"
Okay, it wasn't as bad as that but considering I've been running on average 40 minutes a day, 6 days a week, I didn't expect to feel this out of shape. It's the cardio that is so different. It's so much easier to get my heart rate up when working against inertia and pavement.
Anyway, in spite of all that it feels really good to be challenging myself again.

How's everyone's doing in Florida? I suspect today will be the first full day of training for most. How hard to go from the university life to the Pines. However the atmosphere makes up for any pain and fatigue. Hope you guys are having a good time!

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