Sunday, November 01, 2009

Thursday night I had a great workout - it was only an hour and conditions were mostly flat but I put in some solid km and came off the water feeling good. After I changed, I stopped by the lounge.There were a bunch of kids playing foosball and watching tv, and, since kids in the 15-17 range all kind of look the same, it took me a second to realize I didn't know any of them. But then, there was one face I recognized and he was unfolding himself from the couch to give me a hug. It was Ian Ross, the US athlete I billeted during this same weekend last year. He was tall then but geez, he's grown - now, he's at least 6'5" (in case you haven't figured it out, he's the paddler on the left).

Mac H. is the development coach and brings the kids up here for a training camp at least once a year. The kids are billeted with athlete's families but we have so few junior athletes right now, some are in houses with no kids. It may not be as sociable for them but perfect for a training camp.
Since I look at results and watch youtube vids of the bigger events (typical armchair athlete - love the sport in which I can't compete), I knew that Ian went to Junior Worlds in Moscow this year and did really well. Not a huge surprise since he's a natural athlete - plus his dad is a former U.S. national team C1 paddler and mom did whitewater C1 and flatwater C1 and K1.

After chatting with Ian for a bit, I left the club and ran into Mac out front talking to Derek (our new head coach, by the way) and some guy buried under a hoodie. I stopped to say hi to Mac and congratulate him on his juniors' results when I suddenly realized the gangbanger was Nathan! Lots of stuff going on in his and Lea's lives. He's still coaching the US national team and was leaving soon for Chula Vista. I suspect he misses the family a ton when he's away. The boys are at an age that makes travelling tough. It was great to see him and I hope he'll be around the club more in the future.

Friday night and it's the Awards Banquet. I've paddled the past couple of nights so didn't mind missing a workout. Instead, I went home and made sure my camera batteries were charged (somehow, I always forget to replace the AAs in my flash which means I carry an unusable piece of equipment around for nothing. Tonight was no different.). The past few years we've had the banquet upstairs at the Crooked Cue. It works out perfectly - holds lots of people, has good food and a stage-dance floor where Erics band, H.O.D., is able to set up and entertain the adults after the kids go home.

When I got there, I didn't see any of my 'group' so, with the option of sitting with the masters or the kids, I pulled up a chair with the midget girls along with Tamlyn & Danielle. (one of the coaches said something during his speech that made me laugh. He called the masters "bantams with credit cards" - too true. He coached them for a number of years and said it with humour). Much later, I saw Jess & Del with Karen & Kevin. They must have come in after the tables had filled up since they were seated in the bar area.

I took photos of each of the award-winners ( when they get to Uncle Lou's trophy it still makes me cry a little bit) and spent some time socializing afterwards. I would have liked to hang out longer but it was one of those nights - either I stay, committing to endless drinks topped off by a dozen tequila shots (plus a raging hangover & regrets the morning after) or go home now. I'm boring these days so walked back to my car where I'd left it at the club. I hear it was quite the after-party and I kind of wish I'd stuck around.

I woke up a little later than planned on Saturday morning, did a quick paddle and then headed down to Mitzi's to meet Jenn. She's in town for Tat's wedding and I was so pleased when she said she'd be free for brunch. I was late - screwed up and drove right past Mitzi's - but there was Jenn, patiently sitting in the window when I finally got there. Her life in Deline (pronounced Deh-li-nay) sounds a lot like the old tv show, Northern Exposure and I commented she should be writing a book. Every small community has it's eccentric characters and creatures but the far north just seems to attract more of the fringe than other places.

After an amazing feast of an oatmeal-buttermilk pancake with baked apple topping and a side of curried, home fried potatoes, I rolled back to Port Credit. As I drove down Mississauga Road, I realized the AGM was just about to start and decided to drop in. I'm glad I did just because I'm really out of touch with what's been going on at the club. I mean, I'm there but I don't really hang around or know what's going on. What an eye-opener. It's good that Derek's the new head coach. Dray did an amazing job and the club is really building so we need someone who can carry on with that.

At the AGM it becomes even more obvious how important it is to have people who are confident in their position and can't be bulldozed by opinionated master or parents (who are the only people to attend the AGM). We've got a solid board and several parents who actually understand what's important or necessary for the club at this point. In case you were wondering, the club is in great hands and will continue to move forward.

There was only one contested position for the board - athletes rep had both K.C. and Dustin up for election. K.C. won by one vote. One parent believes that boys/girls aren't comfortable talking to a rep of the opposite sex and kept pushing for co-athletes reps so they ended up voting on it. Since there's no downside, most were in favour and the motion was passed. I'm not able to vote but it's interesting just being an observer.

After the AGM I was at a loose end. I needed some Hallowe'en candy and hit up Shopper's and stopped by Blockbuster which was totally tricked out for the holiday. The art-school guy from Bruno's is working there now so we chatted for a bit.

Is it bad that some days the only reason (aside from the obvious) that I wish I had a regular manfriend is for going out somewhere when I'm bored? It was that kind of night. When I got home, I realized what a cliché I've become of an older, single woman, living alone. My dinner was popcorn and red wine.

I gave out candy to exactly 5 children. For the amount I spent on mini-packs of various candies, I could have given out cheeseburgers or giant-sized chocolate bars to each kid. Around 9 pm I decided I could turn off the upstairs lights and go watch the vids I'd rented. I got through Coraline, a really entertaining Tim Burton animation, before I went to bed.

I woke up late again and was ranging around the house, making coffee, cooking breakfast, beating myself up for not getting outside and DOING something when I realized that my clocks were different from my iPhone and computer. Hah! Daylights Savings time. I get an extra hour of EVERYTHING!

I finally went for a walk around the 'hood and here are some observations;

My neighbour on the north side has put their house up for sale. I wish one of my friends would buy it. I'm used to the current neighbour who is very quiet and wonderful. Not like Boris and Natasha on the south side who spend all their time trying to move their property line over - inch by inch.

Construction of the townhouses on Kentucky Hill seems to have stalled but it may be because of the city digging up Lakeshore (again) between Southdown and Lorne Pk Rd.

Laura's old house has DISAPPEARED - there's an empty building lot where it used to be.

The beer store in the Battaglia's plaza on Lorne Pk Rd has been closed - since October 1st. I don't buy beer often so didn't know about it until now.

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