Friday, August 20, 2010

So my mom died this morning around 2, in her sleep which is good, no pain. I know, kind of weird to be posting this on my blog but I'm at a loss for what to do and I feel like I need to do something. If it was daytime there would be people to call, things to organize, emails to send, tasks to keep me busy. But here it is, the middle of the night, they couldn't get a hold of my sister, she isn't answering the phone, I've emailed the extended family, made an executive decision not to call my brother in Winnipeg until the morning. I've spoken to him at length over the past couple of days since mom started fading. There's no point in both of us sitting awake in the middle of the night with nothing to do (as it turned out he woke up at 2:17am and never went back to sleep, I totally should have called him).
I've done all the organizing you can do at 3AM. Our terrific email server for work is down so I can't let my boss know that I won't be in tomorrow, I've refreshed the ICF worlds page a million times which strangely doesn't make them post results any faster and I've looked at what's new on facebook. Three times.

We've been expecting this for so long, you'd think I'd have a plan of some kind. The funeral arrangements were made years ago by my parents while they were still healthy. The nursing home said I can come and sit with her until tomorrow morning when they call the coroner so I guess I'll do that.
Something I didn't know: The coronor investigates every 10 deaths in nursing homes so they'll determine where my mom is in the count and if she's not number 10, they'll call the funeral home.

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