Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good point. Look at what I found in Now Magazine's Letters section;

Rethinking garbage

I ride my bike back and forth to work in Toronto and pass two of the temporary garbage sites. At first, the smell of the garbage made me angry with striking city staff. Their labour action directly affected my bike ride along the lakeshore. My focus shifted to the garbage when I saw the piles growing higher.
The temporary dumps present the most visible evidence of our “use once and dispose” culture and, more importantly, of our “out of sight, out of mind” perception of garbage. The temporary dumping sites are an opportunity to educate people about how quickly we accumulate garbage.
We need to rethink what we do with our garbage and what viable alternatives exist. Education and action could be the good that come from having garbage dumps in our city parks.

Marisha Roman

Marisha says they edited it some but was pleased it made print. She also received a personally signed letter in response from Dr. David Suzuki! Who says they don't listen to the little people?

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