Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I don't know if there's a connection between full moons and lost items but after this last turn of the cycle I was practically tripping over things I thought were lost and gone forever.

I've been searching for my neoprene pants, vest and boots since the lake temperature dropped. After turning the house upside down, I found the boots but gave up on the other stuff. Then, in one of those epiphanies that only happen when you're mostly asleep at 4am (I was awakened by the full moon shining in on my face), I realized that they were right were I left them after the last cold paddle in April - under the flipped down backseat in my car. When I got up in the morning, I checked and there they were. And right next to them was the 8gig flash card I thought I'd lost at an airport security check. Okay, my car may not seem like a dark, forgotten, cubby hole were single socks go to die but I never, NEVER, raise the back seats.

That evening as I pulled in the driveway I was looking at the giant moon, wondering how you tell if it's waxing or waning. I mean, was last night the full moon? Tonight? I was still mulling it over as I got my dinner ready and came across several hundred dollars worth of euros and US $$ that I'd tucked in the cutlery drawer when I got home from Amsterdam. That one had almost made me crazy! I knew I'd put the cash somewhere but because of my jet-lagged condition, it was somewhere totally uncharacteristic.

I just googled 'full moon lost items" and there is a connection - in wicca, where the spell for finding lost items should be cast under a full moon. Hmmm, my belief system falls somewhere between patron saints and charms and hexes so....whatever, yay me!

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