Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just got my vacation approved for March! I'm going a little later this year with the idea that I might hit New Orleans on my way home for the French Quarter Festival April 7-10. We'll see how the month pans out.

Larry and Derek did a stand up race in N. Carolina - the Coldstroke Classic.  I had considered going until I found out that "Coldstroke" refers to the temperature and is not the name of a river or location. Larry came first and Derek second in their divisions so it was a successful trip for them. Some 100 people there in various divisions so it looked like a fun event. I think Larry even won some cash.

Ryan's still in Australia and I was briefly worried when I hadn't heard from him in a day or two. The last I'd heard, he was on his way to Brisbane but all of a sudden it was all over the news that there was massive flooding all over the area. It didn't help that youtube had tons of videos posted by locals.

Ryan was supposed to be there with Nuangi. She postponed her arrival for a few days and Ryan held off in the Gold Coast until the worst was over. Two days after the peak flooding, he went in, headed to the volunteer centre to sign up for cleanup duty. I'm not sure where he stayed the first couple of nights but that last time I talked to him, he'd just moved into Nuangi's apartment and the power had just been restored.

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