Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Considering how much online shopping I do, its kind of surprising that I haven't been the victim of fraud or identity theft. Today, when I logged on to do some banking, I noticed a charge on my credit card for $500.00 at The Beer Store.  I don't buy beer but I did spend over $100 at the liquor store this past weekend. I thought about it - was I overcharged by accident? No and anyway, I used my debit card. Are they owned by the same corporation? No. Then I noticed the posting date was Monday. I was at work on Monday and out with a friend in the evening. So, clearly it wasn't my expense. I called my bank and they're on it. They've cancelled the card and are sending me a new chip and pin. I feel better now that I'm not funding a field party in small-town Ontario.

Later today, there was a union rep in our office. I guess he had a bunch of meetings at our building and needed a hotel spot to check his email, surf porn or whatever it is he does all day. After lunch, one of the guys said he was downstairs in our lounge, lying down on the couch, sound asleep. I wanted to go take a cell pic so bad but you know a union person would NOT be happy about that, after all the TTC shenanigans. Seriously, how can they keep complaining about negative stereotypes when they're constantly reinforcing them?

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