Friday, May 12, 2006

There's so much going on this weekend...
National Team Trials II in Montreal and ICF World Cup I in Poznan, Poland (yellow clock).
Trials begin tomorrow - good luck to everyone racing - but World Cup started this morning and Canada is burning up the course on Malta Lake. Mark Oldershaw's performance is up to everyone's expectations. They're just in the heats right now but so far we're placing top three in everything - C1: Mark, Tom Hall (500m) and Richard Dalton (1000m), C2: Dmo & Rich, Tamas & Attila (500) and Kyle & Morty (1000m), as well as Adam, Emilie and Karen in K1.

The only photos on the site at the moment are of the coach's meeting. Hey, there's Nathan! I have time to sit a watch the results because I'm stuck at home waiting for the gas company to come and install a new meter. There's nothing worse than booking the morning off (they said clear a window between 9 & noon) and then forgetting about it. I could have slept in, gone for a liesurely paddle, had breakfast at Cora's and still have been back in time for the gas dude. Instead, I skipped the workout, clawed my way out of bed at the last possible second, sat in rushhour traffic, listened to the asshats at work talk about how Beyonce is only with Jay-Z for his money while watching endless Shakira video loops ("Look! She's singing with her boobies!") until, fortunately, my boss remembered I shouldn't be there. If I hadn't rushed home, it would have been life without gas until I could arrange for them to come back to re-light all the pilots (their phone message said within 48 hours). Phew.
So, what else. Last night, Marta invited me to an art exhibit at Cawthra Secondary. Those kids are incredibly talented! It was a complete multi-media show with live performances, food as art (that turned from exhibit to buffet after the opening speeches), video etc...Marta had 3 installations - all well-conceived and executed with great visual appeal - a sculpture (with sound), a painting that I really loved and a performance piece that involved plastic sheeting, coloured water and rubber boots. There should have been one more piece but it mysteriously disappeared after she agreed to sell it to a teacher (even though she hasn't seen the cash yet.) Aside from a future in kayaking or modeling (no lie, Marta is Scarlett Johansson's double), Marta could easily pursue a career in art. It's been years since Ryan was in high school and I really enjoyed seeing what's going on out there. Thanks Marta!


Anonymous said...

If you don't agree with some of the statements in the office does not make them untrue.
Beyonce is with what’s his name for the money.
Shakira sings with her ass and boobies. And watching that helps our cardio. - a lot, look how pinky "The Pretty One" got
And yes, we're asshats and proud of it.
By the looks of it you are going to be the only female left in the office and I don't know how you gonna handle us coming in to work in our unmentionables.

And I'll close by saying:
Chika chika bow bow

Lynne said...

Hah. At least people will know I don't make up the stuff you guys say at work...

Anonymous said...

work shmork