Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was late for work this morning ... stupid cows. That's right, cows. A trailer overturned coming off the 427 ramp onto the westbound QEW and four cows took a little tour down the highway and around the Dixie Rd neighbourhood. Apparently they had to call in a rodeo expert to round them up. Just when you think the daily commute is repetitive and tedious, there's livestock blocking your route.

Really, I should have expected it. I woke up abruptly at 5am with the feeling that someone was staring at me. It was just the moon shining straight into my eyes through that skylight window at the top of the stairs. It was incredibly bright and although the weather network says it's a "waxing gibbous", it looked full. And circumstances prove that we're still in full moon effect. I hope it wears off by lunch because the guys in the office are acting like 11 year olds (providing a continuous stream of fart and booby jokes).

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