Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stupid F-book.
The other day as I was writing something on my son's wall, I noticed that the number of our "friends in common" wasn't right. It's a single digit number so it kind of jumped out at me.
My 17 year-old niece, Tara, was no longer there but since there's no reason for her to drop me, I figured it was an accident and sent her an email. She added me again without explanation. That's when I realized she had intentionally removed me from her facebook friends. I was baffled but decided that, in some things, just being 17 is explanation enough.
As it turns out, she cut me off because she thought I'd told her mom about some photos she had posted. Here's the deal, my sister and her husband have bought a new house. It's standing empty pending demolition so Tara decided to have a party without telling her parents. Then she posted photos of that party to her FB where my other niece, Melissa, saw them. She showed her mom, who told Tara she knew about the party and described the photos in detail. Even though I never saw the photos, Tara thinks I'm a rat. Sheesh.
Funny that in the brief moment of realizing I'd been dropped as a friend, I felt like such a loser - immediately returning to some playground state. I've dropped a few people on fb - girls associated with the db team I'm no longer on - but never considered they might notice. And now I wonder about people I've blocked. That's even more obvious - especially if your name turns up in a news feed but they can't find you in a search.
Under the circumstances, I had to laugh when I saw this. FB is re-writing our rules of etiquette...

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