Monday, May 26, 2008

This Sunday there's an event called Canoe the Credit - a fundraiser for the Credit Valley Conservation Foundation.
It's unfortunate and ironic that they chose to hold it a week after the river was treated with lampricide. The river is an odd yellowy-green colour (not dissimilar to the logo at left) and there are so many baby carps floating belly up that it's difficult to take a stroke without hitting one. The lampricide is supposed to target lampray larva (on which the carp feed) so we're not sure if the poison is just working it's way up the food chain or if the poison is affecting the environment itself.
A report published after the 2002 application states;
"• Mortality of nontarget organisms was insignificant ...However, stonecats (less than 500), juvenile Chinook salmon (less than 500), and common white suckers (less than 100) were killed in the middle of the treatment area of the Credit River when pH levels unexpectedly decreased to lower than expected levels."
Anyway, if you're interested in paddling one of three distances on the Credit there's info at the club. If I can get a rec canoe, I'll do the long one. I'm curious to see what's north of the golf course!

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