Sunday, July 20, 2008

It is HOT in Mississauga! I went out paddling on the lake and it was so calm the water was a mirror reflection of the sky. I had tucked my camera in the drybag. The Solmar is this weekend so I wanted to get pictures if I was still out on the lake when it went off. I wasn't so didn't but I did get some pics of myself paddling. The foggy conditions made for an interesting effect.

When I got off the water, there was Jess!! It was so great to see her! She and Chrissy were going out in K1s for fun.
Jeff was working on his C1 and Del his OC1. I stayed for a bit and took a few pics but eventually wandered down to Starbucks to feed the caffeine monster.

There was an art show going on in the harbour so I made a quick tour. There was a really cool print of the Ridgetown at night that I considered buying for $200 but seriously - I should be able to come up with something of my own.

In the afternoon Katy, Eve, Chrissy and I headed down to the TFC game. Katy and I caught the 1:44 GO but couldn't get a hold of Chrissy so Eve (who was out shopping with her brother and riding around on his Vespa) waited and caught the next train with her.
The game wasn't the best, the team seemed disconnected, and it ended in a nil draw. Afterward, we hooked up in the beer garden with some of Katy's soccer buddies and, randomly, the daughter of one of the US presidential candidates. I'm not going to put his name because of googlers but since one of them only has small children you can figure it out through the process of elimination (think fries). We drank there until they kicked us out and then headed over to our fav restaurant on King St. for dinner. Rob eventually showed up, charming as ever and very proud to tell us that he's been sober since his birthday (July 14 which makes it 5 days). He was sincere though and we all told him how great it was.

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