Thursday, August 06, 2009

I am holding back posts on a lot of fun, exciting, important events recently - mainly because I want to write about them with the appropriate attention and consideration. So. I keep waiting for a rainy day or quiet time where I can be properly engaged and it's just not happening.
Even little things, like the sparrow that smashed into my screen door on Sunday and spent the better part of the day sitting on my front porch with the upper and lower parts of his beak pointing in different directions. I instantly turned into my 8 year old self, trying to save the poor thing. I crumbed up goldfish crackers (other crackers are available) which he couldn't possibly eat - although that was actually before I noticed his beak issue. Anyway I was frustrated at not being able to DO SOMETHING when I noticed around 12:30pm that his beak was normal again. He pooped on my front porch and then flew away.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG...too funny. We have been intently watching a little brown squirrel who has taken up residence in the eavestroughing on our balcony. Each night we peer out at him like kids hoping to catch a glimpse of him settling in for the night. We've even named him...Scamper.