Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I woke up Sunday morning with a fever and defcon 2 nausea (just so you know, wikipedia defines defcon 1 as: "maximum readiness - reserved for imminent or ongoing attack". Defcon 2 is: "increase in readiness just below maximum readiness", referencing the Cuban Missile Crisis.  So yes, the analogy is completely appropriate).

More than anything I wanted to stay in bed with a wastebasket close by but I had a db crew that was racing at the club regatta. Chrissy was the other coach and would be there too but she'd hurt her back and I thought she might be feeling worse than me. Clearly though, I wasn't rational. It did not occur to me until this second that I should have just texted her.

I got dressed and drove over to the club. I passed Eve riding her bike on the way. Smart. I'd considered it but in the end was glad I had my car. There was a stream of cars crawling the streets surrounding the club but I didn't even bother looking for a spot. I just drove straight to Kane Ave., parked and walked back.

I found a race program in the breakfast room, checked my crew's race times - 9:20. ugh, so long to wait when you're in a feverish haze - chatted with Matt A for a bit and then wandered along the shore looking for my crew. Found them, talked for a bit and then headed back towards the club where I ran into Eve and Chrissy. I let Chrissy know that I'd be bailing and of course she was totally cool with it. Intent on getting home to bed now, I wandered up the path where I ran into Laurie who was guarding the mayor's parking spot in front of the club. She was laughing because Mayor Hazel was down at the legion tearing a strip off the policemen who were blocking their parking lot and not allowing paddlers to park there. Doug had just come over to talk and we watched the mayor waving her program at the officer's bellybutton (he was really tall & she's really the opposite of that). As it turned out, the legion had some event going on later in the morning so the blockade was justified. The officer came back with Hazel and took the mike. However, his announcement for dbers to remove their cars from the lot turned into him cheering for the Peel Police department db team who had just entered the marshalling area. Pretty funny.

We found Matt McC who was doing his volunteer hours so we stood around for awhile talking about his motorcycle trip from Land's End to John o' Groats (LEJOG) . Talking and laughing made me feel more human so I stuck around for a bit. Eventually it all got to be too much and I trudged back to my car, picked up a six-pack of diet coke and a fruit cup, then headed home.

I climbed into bed just after 9am and slept until 4pm. When I woke up I couldn't figure out the day or time or if I'd been out of bed yet. The db festival seemed like a memory from days ago. I ate my fruitcup, checked email, then crawled back into bed. I woke up at 7:15 on Monday morning with just enough time to shower and dress and brew some coffee for my drive to work.  Feeling more normal though, that's for sure.

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