Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Aw mulch. Clem's birthday at the Mulchison on Friday is mulched. She has to go to Mulchigan to promote...whaddayacallit...that protective covering of organic matter placed around plants to prevent the evaporation of moisture, the freezing of roots, and the growth of weeds.
Hopefully we'll revisit the Mulchenhagen mulchebration on a later date. Maybe even have one big mulchday party for Clem, Jackie and me. Bartender, a round of Michigan Mulch Volcanoes please.


Anonymous said...

What an entry -- who knew the word Mulch was so versatile?

Lynne said...

Feel free to use any of those lines in your promotional material...or maybe not if you want to keep the job!

John P said...

It looks like they chopped up 6 trees make the mulch.

Well, like my grandpappy used to say,
"You can't see the forest because of the mulch"

Lynne said...

Ah yes, the cruel irony of mulch...