Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We were all in Ottawa for CCA last week. LOVE it when nationals are in Ottawa! Linzee, Carmen, Chrissy, Eve and I had dinner with Jessie at Johnny Farina's and ran into Jeff D & Susan and then Lesley Naumowich at the racecourse. (btw, the reason I don't put Jeff's last name in is because anyone who googles the actor is directed here). Everyone looks fantastic and happy. What's not to be happy about - Ottawa's a great city. And I say that even though the weather was brutal the entire time. Humid and rainy every day. Left's wind - sort of - it was such a direct side wind that everyone had steering issues.
We did really well. Our C4 won gold and set a new record in Open women's 200m, senior women's war won gold and set a new record too. The women's canoe division was huge this year and the girls are fast and strong! Wicked to see. Anyway, Burloak won the overall burgee and Mississauga was second. I haven't gotten my photos developed yet (yeah I know. YOU send me the $4000 and I'll upgrade my equipment to digital!) but I've put some from my little party cam up on facebook. I'll post more as soon as I have time.

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