Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chrissy visits the Australia Zoo on Steve Irwin Day (nov. 15)

I am so dumb. I had to get a root canal today and broke the cardinal rule of "don't eat while your mouth is still frozen". My appointment was for 1:00pm and I hadn't eaten lunch. By the time I got out of there at 3:45, I was STARVING. Around 5:00pm I figured I was safe and ordered sushi. At some point, I chomped into my anaesthetized lip while eating gyoza, only realizing it when my lip swelled. Great. So not only do I look like a stroke victim, I've got a fat lip which is REALLY going to hurt when the freezing wears off.
Anyway, that's not my reason for posting today. I know lots of people are wondering how Chrissy's doing in Australia. For those who may not know, she stayed there after the world championships and has been travelling around making new friends, grabbing odd-jobs and generally having the time of her life!

She had a good start since Clem's cousin, Candice, who we partied with after worlds, is going to uni in Sydney.Even before the other girls had left for home, Chrissy had taken a job on the Solway Lass. She washed a lot of dishes and polished a lot of brass but she also made a ton of new friends. I can't wait to hear her stories since she says the captain was a seaman in the truest sense of the word with tons of sailing and pirate stories.

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