Saturday, March 07, 2009

Well, I'm in Costa Rica. The flight was great, we got in early and my driver was waiting after I cleared customs with a sign pressed up agains the main window. It's a 4+ hour drive from the airport in San Jose to Dominical but I was so pumped to be here it didn't matter. Jony, the driver, speaks some english (lots more than I speak spanish) so we were able to communicate a bit but for the most part it was a pretty quiet ride. We stopped partway across the mountains at at a resaurant where I had what will be my first of many plates of rice and beans and chicken. It was fantastic though for only 3,000 colones (1$C = 555 colones). And I didn't realize how hungry I was until I put the first forkful in my mouth.
I'd forgotten how bland Canadian chicken is for the most part. I will sometimes buy free-range at the St.Lawrence Market just to get that true chicken flavour. It tastes amazing here.
We didn't get to Dominical until about 7:30 and by the time I unpacked and cleaned up a bit it was almost 9:00. I had a corona at the hotel bar and then walked around the corner to the soda. I'm too tired to bother with food. I picked up a 6 pack of Imperial beer and pringles. I got a little packet from the green Iguana Office. It has a bunch of meal vouchers and a schedule of the surf excursions. The tide progresses by 45 minutes every day so it changes. Plus we go to different beaches. I'm pretty excited.
My first session will be at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon which is great - I can use a sleep-in. My cousin Graham is still struggling so I've been a little anxious. They had to put him in a temporary state of paralysis to get him to stop fighting the equipment and staff.

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