Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday night and I decided to have a cocktail party at my place. I picked up wine, vodka at the lcbo and tapas, baguette & drink mix at Metro. I ordered some sushi from Momiji when I got home but they screwed up the order, as usual. Momiji is great if you eat in but so-so with the take-out.
People started showing up shortly after 7:30. The party evolved in the kitchen - since I still haven't bought new furniture for the living room (and probably can't afford it after the extra money I had to drop in Fla. on car repairs) there was no overflow as more friends arrived. Eventually, with people standing in doorways, I suggested we go downstairs.
What a great night - it's so good to see everyone. Jessica's leaving in a week (unexpected) for another 4 months of navy stuff in B.C. so it was timely.
I drank too much wine but didn't realize it until I was at the door pontificating too strongly about something not worth pursuing. Mid-pontificence I could see it on Chrissy's face and tried to reel it back in. Those poor girls.
Marisha had to row at 5:45am, first on-water workout for this year, and had decided to stay in the spare room. We stayed up talking for a bit longer but both of us were struggling to keep our eyes open and hold onto the thread of the conversation. I do remember her saying that her 40th floor condo is feeling less like home these days. She dreamed the other night that she was living in a birdhouse attached precariously to a twig, way up in a tree.

Marisha was long gone by the time I got up - at ELEVEN - the next morning. I read for a few hours and, sometime in the late afternoon, went downstairs to catch up on all the tv I missed: the new seasons of Nurse Jackie and U.S. of Tara have started as well as the final episodes of Shameless from the last season.
Even though it was cold, extremely windy and raining outside, it's not like I didn't have things to do. I had planned to do yoga at 3pm with Alyson and Chanda, then get together with someone in the evening before heading down to the TFC game. I just didn't want to move. I've decided it's something about not having my own space for the entire month I was away, replanting myself on home turf so to speak. Honestly? It felt great.
Around 6:45pm, I got a little antsy because I could see the clouds breaking outside. I walked out front and could hear a roar from the lake. This could be good!
I drove down to JD (what? I'd been lounging on the couch all day - you expect me to suddenly get energetic and walk?) and couldn't believe the size & frequency of the waves!  Set after set broke 100-200m out. The beach had basically disappeared and waves washed over the path in places! There was a surfer out there, not sure if it's the same guy I've seen before or not. The board was a different one. The entire time I was there (about 45 minutes) I only saw him catch 2 short and sketchy rides but that's the only way to learn and I give him credit for staying out there. The water had to be shockingly cold in spite of his full-body neoprene. I have no idea how long he was out there - he was on the water when I arrived and was still paddling out when I left, even though the sun had dipped low.
I went home feeling better after some air but continued watching tv until 11:30 or so. I can't wait for the weather to warm up!

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