Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jackie's baby shower at Lift Salon

I didn't recognize any of the names on the Evite I received for this surprise baby shower but baby showers are different from other types of get-togethers. Women get used to being at these events where you don't know people. I was a definite yes either way. As time went on though, more familiar friends were added to the invitation and the day of, I carpooled with Amy and Tammy. Tammy, at 8 & 1/2 months pregnant was driving and we were completely prepared for a change of plans in the event she went into labour.

It was the same day as the Santa Claus parade and we caught the worst of it, getting stuck on the Jarvis ramp for about 30 minutes and slowly making our way up Jarvis to Adelaide. At one point Tammy stopped and, looking over her shoulder, kept repeating "Look, potato, I see the potato." After a quick glance at heavy traffic behind us, Amy and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Was she going into some kind of hallucinatory labour? Would we have to deliver a baby in parade traffic? But no, she's just been a mom too long - enthusiastically responsible for her childrens entertainment. Driving again she was able to articulate that she'd glanced in the rear-view mirror to see the parade passing by on the cross-street, just in time for the giant Mr. Potato Head.

Of course there was no parking near the salon. Tammy pulled up on the street behind Lift and literally kicked Amy and me out of the car. We were all "what? no. we're not going to make the pregnant woman walk 5 blocks by herself." But she was adamant. And she's right. Why do we let people treat us like invalids when we're just pregnant? Oh right, so they'll do things for us that we don't want to do. Never mind.

Lift is a great Salon on Adelaide that Jackie's been going to for a long time. Today, they'd moved all the stations so that it was this great big white space. The hostesses for the party were the owner and staff of the salon. When we arrived - late - there were only a couple of people there. A couple I vaguely recognized, possibly from HOF parties. I guess everyone was caught in the same traffic.

Amy S. was there looking amazing as always. Casual but so, I don't know, put together. She and Brian are living the fabulous life of young-marrieds. I asked what she's been up to and, expecting a list of extravagant parties and events (don't ask my why I think that's everyone elses lifestyle) was floored when she eagerly told me about her most recent purchase - hockey equipment. She is so excited to have joined Brian's hockey team! Yup, Amy played hockey a lot growing up and is so excited to be playing again. It reminded me that I played in high school and we chatted about the cost of hockey equipment, the difficulty of switching your position on a pick-up team (although I was a goaltender and would have given my left shin pad to play any other position) and the merits of various rinks around the city until we heard the shushing and whispering that Jackie was coming....

Wow for two things - Jackie who always looks so amazing and she was completely surprised! Surprise showers are rarely kept secret. Somehow the mom usually figures it out.

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