Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Oh dear, this can't be good. I am definitely looking to get into a whole mess of eyebrow-raising 'Indeed'.
Tonight I bought mascara. And not just mascara - I bought eyeliner too. Soft, smeary, bruised violet eyeliner. Ok. That may not sound like much to you but for me that's equivalent to sending out an engraved invitation.
Let me put it this way...Some girls, when getting ready for that defining date, make sure their lucky underwear is (are?) clean, break out a new razor or head to the esthetician for a mani-pedi and wax. I do all those things but I also put on full eye makeup. For me, nothing underlines the first-time romp with a new guy like waking up in the morning, leaning into the mirror as you brush your bird's nest hair out of your eyes, gazing into your mascara-smeared eyes with a twitchy-smirky smile and thinking, "Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about."

Hey, in honour of the full moon, here's Jace Everett's smoultry ballad, "Bad Things"...

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