Friday, May 06, 2011

Finally, the weather is improving and I'm able to get out on the water every day. The past few days we've had an offshore wind that gives a great ride back to the beach. The beauty of my home beach is the bowl shape of the shoreline there. With an offshore wind, there's a centre point right around Richards Memorial Park. If you're on one side it gives a push east, on the other, west. Once you're past Saddington it's just straight offshore.
Actually, last night I had to coach but it was so amazing out that I cartopped my boat to Sunnyside and put in an hour down there before my crews got there. I haven't been out on the Humber in years so I took a cruise up there. Either the water is really high or they've remodeled the shoreline since there are a couple new 'islands'. I didn't go all the way up though. As I turned back,  a C1 came around the corner - some silver-haired guy. I got back to my car with lots of time to de-rig my boat and load it back up. As I was tieing down the back, I heard a sick crunching sound. I loosened off the tie and could see a dent just back of where the rear iako goes into the boat. bugger. I guess the foam on that rail has gotten too thin to protect the boat. I'm not sure how i would fix this but at least it's in a spot that doesn't let water in.

I haven't been on my board since I got home but that'll change as soon as the sun comes out regularly. There's no pleasure sweating through a workout in 3mm neoprene on relatively flat water. Of course, taking a swim in 6 degree water is no party either.

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