Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day started out gross. It was raining & cold and I didn't feel like going on the water so went for a bike ride instead. Stopped by Buday's to pick up my bracelet from Steph and drop off a birthday violet for Olga. Took a spin by Secko's new place on Pine but no one was home so I hit the shopper's at the end of their street for some drugstore therapy. I spent $96. Crazy but I was out of a lot of stuff - clearly. I tooled through JD park on my way home to check the parking sitch in case I changed my mind about paddling. Usually on the Victoria Day weekend, they have a sign at the end of the road saying LOT FULL but the rain had cleared out all but a few die-hards. Perfect.
I was beached on the couch downstairs when I noticed a strange light outside. Ohmygod, the sun! I raced around gathering gear, changed into surf shorts and tank and drove back to JD. Surprisingly, there were still a few open parking spots. I put in a quick 10K - half of which was in a heavy fog that rolled in when I was 4K out. It cleared briefly and I considered unloading my board for a few more kilometers but then the second bank of fog rolled in - much thicker than the last so I paddled in to shore.
The park is packed now and I loaded my gear quickly and left. I feel like I really scored - hitting the water for that brief period of good conditions. Word is that we'll have thunderstorms tomorrow.
It was almost 6 when I got home. I rode my bike over to Metro to get some groceries.
The fog horn at the Suncor pier went off at regular intervals throughout the evening. The fog was an opaque wall when I was out there. I guess that hadn't changed 
In competition results, the Canadian team did okay at world cup. I didn't keep close track but saw Mark won gold in C1 1000m & 5000m, Gab & Andrew silver in the 1000m, Adam was 4th in the 1000 but says he was trying a new race plan so he's really stoked about the results and to watch him in Duisburg. He also won silver in the 5k. Tom Hall won silver in C1 500m and bronze in 5000m, Laurence and Nicole were 1, 2 in the C1 200m, Rich won silver in C1 200m (Aaron was 8th), KC & Genny were 5th in K2 200m (although they were 4th when I first checked results so I guess photo finish with Russia).

Larry was at a SUP race in Clearwater and was 4th.

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