Sunday, May 15, 2011

When I woke up Saturday morning it was cold, foggy, drizzly. Ugh, besides a sushi hangover, I was completely unmotivated to paddle. So I didn't. Instead, I hooked up an old external hard drive I'd discovered and went through the folders. TONS of old photos. I sifted through a bunch from db worlds in 2005 and our trip to Greece afterwards, posting some on FB. Such great memories. Crazy that it was almost 6 years ago.
I didn't enjoy the trip at the time. Two weeks before, we'd found out my dad had cancer. He was starting chemo while I was away. I was going to cancel but my sister and his doctors assured me that he would absolutely NOT die in the few weeks I was gone. As logical as that is, I could not convince myself it was true - so the entire time away I was anxious, weepy, cranky and completely disconnected from events. I even hooked up with my favourite f-w-b and it was not nearly as fun as it should have/could have been. What a waste! (I should msg him - I haven't seen him in years).
Anyway, the point is that viewing these photos allowed me to process the trip in a different way. I can remember it now for the experiences instead of the anxiety.

After cruising down that memory trail, I needed to get out of the house. Time to take care of some long overdue business. I went to a furniture store - the Fuze has been in the living room for too long. I need furniture. I picked up a glossy catalogue and fabric swatches - as if that's actually accomplishing something! I'd already looked at the catalogue online but at least now I had prices. Then I did the rounds of car dealerships. What a chore. I don't know what I want. No, I know what I want - a convertible. But what I need is an SUV or truck to carry my gear. God I hate dealing with salesmen.

TFC were playing in the evening. K.C., Matt, Chris & I were supposed to be going but K.C. had to bail because she's heading to Europe for the world cup tour on Sunday. It would be senseless for her to stand out in the cold rain for 2 hours and get sick. We decided to get together and watch a movie instead so I gave Matt the 2 extra tickets. I think he gave them to Dana and Mel.
K.C. and Marianne came over and we watched The Kings Speech, discussed how we would load boats if cars had never replaced horses and caught up on all the gossip (the more things change, the more they stay the same).

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