Monday, February 26, 2007

I was planning on keeping my fuel consumption low this weekend but by the end of it, I'd filled my tank 3 times. Okay, the final time was so I'd have a full tank this morning but you know what I mean.
Anyway, I was all over the place. I had dinner with friends in West Rouge on Friday night. Kev barbecued some chicken for us - perfectly spiced amd delicious. We were still sitting around the table laughing and talking at midnight... bad call for morning practice but so worth it to see Karen and Kevin for a few uninterrupted hours.
Saturday morning stupidity. Without warming up I tried to bench press 120lbs. I felt something pop as soon as I started to lower the weight so I just let it drop to my chest. Oomph. Good call though. I strained my teres but it would have been way worse if I'd continued to bear the weight. Shitty though - it meant I couldn't do the circuit and I had to skip two classes at circus school.
That afternoon, I headed back downtown to see Johnny O's condo. I really like it. Too much. If I could sell my place and move tonight, I would. Ideally, I'd like a little more space but he's in a really good building, the people seem nice and it's in my old hangout area - Queen West @ Spadina. I'm getting an agent to take me around to various lofts and condos in the area when I get home from Florida. It means a complete mind-shift but I think I'm ready for it. When I bought my house, I still had a son in university who may or may not move home plus two big dogs that needed a yard. Things have changed considerably since then. Johnny and I hung out for a bit, headed up to HMV (got the new Lily Allen and Fallout Boy - love both). We stopped at Sen5es for a drink and a snack - had a minor celebrity sighting just seconds after Johnny had made an unkind crack about the celebrity in question (we didn't know she was sitting just behind us - on the other side of a pillar!).
From Johnny's I went home, packed my overnight bag and headed up to Lake Simcoe for Sabrina's birthday. Her champagne birthday. I've never heard of this tradition before but your champagne birthday is when your age and the day of the month on which it falls are the same. So Sabrina is 27 on February 27th. TONS of food and alcohol. The food did me in - I hit the pillow around 1am but the party continued until 4. I hung out there until 1pm on sunday then headed home. Watched Diner on DVD then slept until the Oscars came on. Thank goodness for frozen pizza! I didn't have to go out to get something to eat!

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