Friday, September 05, 2008

Jackie, Rebecca and I bought the three-pack for the Toronto Film Festival and our first film was last night. This is the package where they randomly select three films for you so it's a big surprise. I just love the whole thing; the crowds, seeing films I might not choose on my own or that won't make the big screen, the celebrities, the Q & A afterward. We have another one tomorrow night and the last on Monday. The festival is well established but I wonder if it will be affected by the one in Venice if they continue to happen at the same time. News reports say the organizers of both are "working together" but I find it hard to believe since it splits the celebrity base. Toronto gets Brad Pitt, Venice gets George Clooney...

The first one wasn't bad but did not bring us to our feet. It was still interesting. Rebecca had to go home and finish editing something for the magazine so Jackie and I picked up some korean and went back to her place. Blake came in from coaching db not long after and I packed in the idea of getting to the gym by 6:00am so that I could stay for awhile longer and visit.

Sidebar: I'm at work right now and I can see that there's a terrific storm whipping up (remnants of hurricane Gustav. I guess). It must be fantastic on the lake right now and I wish I was out there. I haven't been able to paddle for the past few days for one reason or another - all social - and won't be able to tonight since the fabulous Secko is coming over after work to take a look at my house and let me know if it can be fixed up a bit, then goodbye dinner for Laura, meet Steph's new baby etc. So it'll be tomorrow morning before I can get out there! It's going to be crazy. JR posted on fb that there are 2 metre waves.

This is the year of soccer-themed birthday gifts. I gave Carrie and Jackie tickets to the all-star game for their birthdays and, not very originally, gave Syd & Charlie TFC shirts - I couldn't resist. Seriously, are these a couple of soccer cuties or what??

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