Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's low tide by the time we drop R. and V. off at the DiuWak and head back up to Dominicalito. So this is what's under the water when we surf in this bay... Hard to believe since I have a clear memory of my face being dragged along the bottom when I got taken down by a wave this afternoon!

J. assures me that the force of the waves at high tide completely buries the rocks and crevices with sand. So obvious, but when you don't live on the ocean it's all new info.

There are a bunch of fishing boats I want to take a pic of but as I walk over, I notice that the vultures sitting on the beach have surrounded a little white dog. Really weird dynamic. None of them move as I approach so I assume the pooch is okay. I often see the dog and vultures together on subsequent visits to Dominicalito.

We visit a few other scenic points - the cliff overlooking the coast has an amazing view and there's a restaurant here which J-2 says is too expensive for the tiny portions they serve. He suggests fresh shrimp at a local restaurant on the highway. We head up there and he is so right -fresh jumbo shrimp sauted in garlic with palm salad, potatoes, a glass of wine and a cup of amazing Costa Rican coffee for about $12 and we've still got time to get back to the beach and watch the sunset!

Later, I'm having a beer at Tortilla Flats when R. & V. drop down into the seats at my table. We order ceviche and Imperials and have a really fun evening. We've all travelled quite a bit but to different places so it's really interesting to share stories and descriptions. After a couple of hours, I hit a wall. I figure it's about 11:30 and head back to my room via the beach. It's pitch black but the stars are brilliant. Fortunately I have a flashlight or I would have tripped over the various pieces of driftwood and random surfers lying on the beach on my way back up to the road. When I get to my room, I'm stunned to see it's only 8:30pm. Either way, I'm exhausted and crash.

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