Saturday, February 19, 2011

I never finished that last post... so after the travel slideshow, Ryan and I decided to catch the last of the sun and walk up to the grocery store in Lorne Park. On the way I asked if he and Sylvie were still dating (they hadn't been going out for very long before he left) and he said yes, they had carried on through fb, txts and phone calls while he was gone. I wasn't sure because he hadn't mentioned her wanting to pick him up at the airport or when he'd be seeing her now that he was home. .
As it turns out, he was heading over to her condo in a little while. We talked about his plans now that he's home;  careers he'll pursue, the companies at which he'll apply and so on but not about residence. You have to understand, for a parent, no, make that for a mom, this conversation is full of pitfalls. On the one hand it's important that he knows my home is always his home, on the other, having a 31 year old son back at home can cause a strain on your mom-son and other relationships. As usual, I was overthinking things. As it turns out, he's moving in with Sylvie! I haven't met her but it sounds like they have a good relationship. I'm really pleased about it!

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