Thursday, June 02, 2011

I'm coughing so much, it took three clicks just to open a new editor - the cursor kept jumping around the screen.
Anyway, yes I'm sick. The worst virus I've had in years (I say that every time) and it has to hit me when the BEST weather finally arrives. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a run-of-the-mill cold but this thing took me down. I slept for 32 hours on the first day. I just got up from a fitful 8 hours and am going back to bed as soon as I have a hot drink in hand. The worst idea I had was not loading up on drugs because I "didn't want to be too groggy in the morning". I clearly believed I'd just carry on as normal but with a stuffy nose and husky voice. Wrong. There isn't anything in the house stronger than Advil, so last night when the cough/fever kept waking me up, all I could do was lie there and cough...and sweat. I'll make a drug store run later. After I catch a few more hours.

The past couple of weeks have been entertaining but I can't sort everything out at the moment with my brain fever. Suffice it to say I've been doing lots of summer-type things; barbecues in my friends' backyards, bike rides, Johnny-O's wedding at Fern Resort (it was fun and beautiful and I got to see so many paddling friends who've moved away), and of course paddling.

ugh, I'm a sweaty mess. going to bed.

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