Friday, October 27, 2006

Another album I haven't listened to in decades is on my cd player right now ; Joni Mitchell ~~ Ladies of the Canyon.
I just had to run outside like a crazy person and rake my leaves to the curb. I forgot the Mississauga Leaf Sucker was coming along this week (see, if it was Toronto I'd make a joke about Belinda and Tie) and I heard it going by. I made it though. I hope they don't mind a little dog poop in with the leaves.
What else what else? It's that training grey area right now where we never know which workout we'll be doing. Everything depends on the weather conditions so if I know it's too cold to paddle, I might sleep in. Yesterday was a case in point and I'm glad I missed the 6:00am lactic acid circuit which apparently turned into a daisychain vomit-fest. I've told those midget boys not to eat so much for breakfast. I hope they've learned their lesson though because starting next week, no more slacking!

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