Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Don't hate me ladies - I broke the pact and bought skinny jeans. I wish they'd stop calling them that - it's misleading. It used to just mean the opposite of your "fat jeans" and you could only fit into them after ingesting some parasite with your sushi or when you just started dating someone new or after a bad bout of the flu. Actually, I think this cut was called cigarette the last time around (1980-what?) and stovepipe before that - referring to the fact the leg is a straight tube of denim. I kind of prefer those. Anyway, whatever. The whole reason I got them is because my new Steve Madden Demolish boots look dumb with my Mavi boot cuts.

Am I becoming a label-dropper? I think I might 'cause there were a few labels dropped just then. I'm sorry, I have a headache. I need to go shopping.


Jennifer said...

I would like a picture of said boot/pant combination. Looking for a good boot to wear with skirts but that casual should you have any recommendations...have short pointy, tall pointy...thinking thick sole, mid calf. Any ideas?

Lynne said...

My camera batteries tanked when I took this so I can't send you the skirt version. I've worn these to work and out for an evening...have to say I love them.

Jennifer said...

They look good!

Lynne said...

Thanks! Oh, and I meant to tell you that Miss Sixty has some great boots right now - especially for a casual skirt thing.... actually every style you can imagine!

Anonymous said...

Hey lynne, its melissa. I just wanted to let you know the name for those "skinny jeans" is actually STRANKLES (pants that strangle your ankles...)

Lynne said...

hah! I actually heard that somewhere, otherwise I would think you made it up (you're kind of creative that way!). Nice to see your family on the weekend - too bad you weren't down for a visit.