Friday, October 13, 2006

Saw Wicked at the Canon Theatre tonight. Fun. We had dinner at the Beerbistro on King beforehand. Interesting menu, well prepared and a great atmosphere. I want to go back sometime when we're not rushing off to a show.
Wicked is the prequel to the Wizard of Oz, filling in details of the relationship between Elpheba (wicked witch of the west) and Glinda (the good..ah never know who I mean) and events leading up to the whole flying monkeys, ruby slippers, brains, heart, courage debacle ... Basically, they're roommates in university and become friends. I enjoyed both the book and the show. The book is more philosophical and political, focusing on Elpheba. The stage production is tied to Oz and Glinda is the central character. The actress who plays Glinda seems to be channeling Reese Witherspoon circa Legally Blonde which actually kind of adds to the role. She's adorabley annoying, if you know what I mean.
I was a little distracted because I'm supposed to be racing in the Fairport outrigger race tomorrow and have to be in Pickering at 7:30am to rig the boat... I had checked the weather network this afternoon and they were predicting 35km/hour winds off the lake. During quiet parts of the show I was making checklists in my head of what gear I wanted to pack when I got home.
I wasn't going to check my email before bed because I always get caught up in damn Facebook but I'm glad I did. Wai Nui had cancelled our entry at the last minute due to the forecast. Too bad. I was really looking forward to this race...It's only 12 km and I haven't raced outrigger in a few years. Plus we had a good crew and were going up against a good womens crew out of Fairport - Karen L., Sheila K. and a couple of dragon boat girls. It would have been really fun. On the plus side, it's now 1:03 am and I don't have to get up in 4 hours! However, we're still going to paddle out of Oakville at 9:00 so I think I'll go to bed.

Meh. as soon as I've checked damn

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