Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bits and Pieces

The women's practice was great this morning and I think it had a lot to do with Jackie being back in the boat! Also, everyone's really excited about our first race together in Pickering this weekend and that translates into power on the water.

Welcome to Chrissy who visited VOC for the first time and already holds the record for the most time spent reading! I'll have to find a suitably embarrassing photo to put up (jj). Oh and a guest shout out to Dave (who, according to his blog, lost his underwear at the Wayne Gretzky Centre last night. You can see his comment attached to this post. Be nice - he thought we were rowers.)

Check out the new link to the right. Guy Petzall is a prolific letter writer, asking the questions you'd never ask (why don't we milk pigs - they lactate too!), of the people you'd never contact (the Illinois Pork Producers, the Pope, the Simpson's), getting the responses you'd never expect.

Boygroove - Definitely worth seeing. Great choice Jackie! The Toronto run ends on June 4th but I suspect they'll bring it back. It's a funny, funny production with fantastic, talented actors. It helped that one of the characters is a ringer for Scott and after we'd determined that...well it was just that much funnier. Now, whenever I pass Scotty out on the water at Sunnyside, standing at the front of his dragonboat, hip-bucking in time to the stroke...aaahhaaha... I'm sorry...I have to take a moment here....the tears... it's just too much....

Okay, so what else? Carrie and Attila have a new family member! Lola, the cutest puppy ever. She's an English Bulldog - incredibly strong-willed and confident for a 13-week old. Carrie just sent some photos - see what I mean? Cute!


Dave Carrol said...

Hey there... my wild guess... you're a rower! Do I get a guest shoutout?


Lynne said...

Hey Dave - close, we're flatwater paddlers. Where do you row? Too bad about your underwear...hope you find them!

Dave Carrol said...

Ha... y thanks! I don't really row. Well I've paddled the odd canoe but not so much rowing. I just find it cool! Good for you!

Jennifer said...

Have a great race this weekend ladies..wish I was there with you. I'm sure you'll be in it like dirty sock!

OMG...I can't wait to see the Lola pictures. I was just speaking with Ang & Boog today..I miss Charlotte :(

Had a good discussion with a friend last night about our business plan...we need to get back on that.

Lynne said...

Heheheh...forgot about L.A.'s dirty sock comment. So funny!
Thanks for the wishes for the team, I'll pass them on, anytime you want to come back...
So I guess we'll just wait to see if your winning streak holds through the weekend and then we'll talk hostel. Sorry Hostels - a chain of 'em...