Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This dress? More than just a hot, retro-punk item. The fabric is woven from reclaimed magnetic tape - you know, the kind you find in audio cassettes. Running a tape head over the fabric emits a sound. Admittedly, it's sctratchy at best since the various recordings (close to 20 tracks) are mixed up during the weaving process. However, at the request of Jon Fishman (Phish), the Sonic Rhythm Dress was designed to emit "pure sound" by sewing in patches of individual sounds. The designer then provided him with gloves that had tape heads mounted in them for playback on stage. The heads have to be run across the fabric at the same speed it was recorded to get a good sound but still a great, original concept! Check out all of their products at . The Tell-tail Thangka or Fishflags seem an interesting alternative to the wind chimes I dislike so much...

1 comment:

John P said...

If you could make a tux and a wedding dress, you could have a couple recite their vows by rubbing each other.

The possablities are endless...