Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Okay, I think I know what it is about George Stromboulop...the guy on The Hour. his interview style reminds me of Brian Linehan...without the turtleneck, blazer, munchkin-faced thing he had going. I was addicted to Linehan's interviews in the '70s & '80s. James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio?? He's a rank amateur next to Linehan's exhaustive research and smooth, smug delivery. So many times you would hear an actor respond to some little tidbit Brian had dredged up from the past with, "How on earth do you know that??". He never revealed negative things, only the positive or flattering. And the were usually superstars who had been interviewed millions of times so they appreciated that someone had gone beyond reading their press release.
Last weekend - Marisha's birthday/moving party - so many people there! It was so much fun and I wish I'd had a camera but my lithium batteries have tanked and I'm reluctant to replace them at $75 a shot. I already had to replace 1 battery + the charger after I left mine in a hostel in Budapest and now the camera is basically obsolete. Okay, I'm wiped out from training and circus school (STILL FUN!) and have to get up at 5:15am tomorrow....guhhh.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Hey Lynne,

Check out eBay! I got batteries for my camera SO much cheaper!