Wednesday, March 15, 2006

As mentioned, I'm heading to Florida for my own mini-training camp on Friday. The original plan to go to Lake Lanier for March Break fell through when I couldn't find a dog-sitter. Chief, KL (Mrs. Chief) and the Burloak girls, CR and M-AS have gone down there for some outrigger, db and/or canoe-kayak. I was disappointed that I couldn't join them so when my son offered to dog-sit the following week, I decided it would be worth it even if I'm not with the rest of the group. I've booked a hotel on the beach with a pool, hot tub, gym and will buy a cheap bike for transportation. After looking around on the internet, I found a windsurfing school in Cocoa Beach and signed up for lessons. Also, because of x-box I've a renewed interest in golf and Melbourne has two public courses within bike-riding distance.
So my training program looks something like this;
early run, bike ride along the ocean to Cocoa Beach(16km), windsurf for a few hours, bike back to my hotel, have lunch, hang at the beach, then hit a bucket of balls later in the day - I can't wait! You know, at first I wasn't crazy about travelling on my own but I think this is going to be a great trip! I may even have time to update my blog so check back later...


Jennifer said...

Why don't you see if you can hook up with Kelly Slater...he's a good old Cocoa Beach Boy!

I love Cocoa Beach, spent two weeks there every year as a kid, back when Ron Jon's was just a shack on the side of the road.

Have a great time and watch out for strange drifter like boys named Andreas.

Lynne said...

Thanks! I thought of Andreas exactly once when I saw a homeless guy who looked like him and of Kelly Slater exactly 27 times. That's because there is stuff about Kelly everywhere down there -Quicksilver has huge posters of him in bars and even a pair of shorts commemorating his 5 times world champion status!