Saturday, May 22, 2010

The contractor was at my house all day Saturday and when he was leaving, advised me to get a vanity for the main bathroom and have it on Tuesday. Crazy! All week, the news had reports on how busy Home Depot and Ikea would be for the 2-4 long weekend - weather not good enough for going away so people were staying home and cleaning up their to-do lists.

Anyway, Sunday morning I was at Ikea bright and early. It was insane how many families were already there when I arrived shortly after 10. In the section for bathroom vanities I quickly realized they didn't have anything the right size. I'd already browsed the websites of the other big box reno stores and knew they didn't have anything either. Looked like I'd be heading to Restoration Hardware next week.

After Ikea, I drove up to Dad's nursing home. He was just having lunch and then Rose and Miriam got him into this super-supportive wheelchair. It was the first time in 4 years I'd seen him out of a hospital bed. I was pretty excited for him to be sitting upright and able to take a walk outside. Miriam, his caregiver is from the Philippines and has worked all over Asia. We chatted about the countries/cities we've both been to and spent a pleasant couple of hours while Dad watched the traffic, birds, airplanes etc.

Afterward, I drove down the DVP to Jackie & Blake's. I haven't seen them socially since New Years! Of course I see Blake at Sunnyside but this weekend he was off in L.A. or somewhere for db. Jackie & I took Mason and Syd to a park just off Bloor and dug holes in the sand and stuff. So great to just hang out. I tried not to be annoying about trying to convince Jax to move out our way. Although it would be great to have them living in PC, I completely see the appeal of living downtown.

I can't remember what I did Sunday night. Is that dumb?

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