Monday, May 17, 2010

What a great weekend. I had a birthday celebration to go to in Ottawa on May 13th. I had taken a couple of days off work and then I realized that national team trials were the same weekend. Might as well keep driving east, right?
Courtney P. wanted to go too so it worked out perfectly. She stayed at her aunt's somewhere in the burbs and I got a hotel room in Byward Market. I did the birthday thing and in the morning, picked Court up at her aunt's work. We were in Motnreal by noon Friday.

Carrie texted that she'd be out of committee meetings in time for dinner. Courtney and I were staying out in Longuieul. We jumped on the Metro and met Carrie near Peel St. We did a bit of shopping and then had dinner at an italian restaurant. Decent food, good wine list, a cute waiter - exactly what I expect from Montreal.

We headed back to our respective hotels around 9pm and crashed early.

Saturday morning and the weatherman was bang on - cold, rainy and miserable. The rain held off for most of the day but, after a few false starts, settled in to pour for most of the afternoon. we moved from shelter, to outside and back again. During one particularly bad downpour I went and sat in my car. I got to watch some people trying out the para-gliding dome that's at the Basin now.

The C2s were the last races of the day so we stayed to watch. Pretty much everyone we knew had gone home to get warm but it was worth it sticking around. 'Citing! It was close.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Tamlyn and Marta were texting us asking what we were doing for dinner. Ultimately, we decided to order in chinese food and watch movies. Best idea EVAR. We crashed early - we were both wiped out by from cheering and from the cold.
Sunday and the weatherman was 2 for 2. Sunny and warm. Pretty gusty though. I was really great being there and seeing how everyone's doing. Since I haven't competed at CCA since 2008, I've missed out on a lot of stuff. Seriously, I hardly know any of the younger paddlers but it's great to see how the women's canoers are doing. No more stroke-stroke-steeeer-stroke...they paddle like boys (hey, don't judge me).

I stayed to watch K.C. secure her spot on the tour in the A-final then jumped in the car for the long ride into the sunset. No literally. I drove straight into the sun for a solid 5 hours.

I got home to find that one of the guys working on my house had accidentally smashed the glass front of my oven. The contractor said he'll pay to fix it but the thing is pretty old - I'd be surprised if there's anyone who can repair it. I wasn't planning on replacing it so it's a bit of a pain but we'll get it sorted out somehow. I was excited to see the basement floor is finished and it looks pretty great considering it's a laminate. It looks like wood planks! I am so happy to have all this broadloom removed. I'd put up a photo but it's dark now and, since the electrician discovered that the basement is wired like chinese puzzle, some of the lights down there aren't working while he sorts everything out.

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